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Saturday, August 26, 2023

Bible Foods

                                     Bible Folks Knew What was Good.

Apples: They lower bad cholesterol and high blood pressure. The skin has the pectin, so eat the whole apple. 

😊The juice is a great virus fighter. 😊Apples stabilize blood sugar, which is essential for diabetes. 😊They are great for dieters as they suppress the appetite. 😊Apples can prevent constipation and treat diarrhea (I don't know how it does that😲). 😊A study involving children indicated apples help to prevent tooth decay. 😊And some scientist believes apples contain chemicals that help stop cancer. 😊Two or three apples daily can boost the body's protection against heart disease. King Solomon said, "Comfort me with apples, for I am sick." Note he was sick in love. ( According to the book Healing Foods from the Bible)  

Apricot: It is a beautiful source of the antioxidants vitamin C and beta carotene. 😲It helps clean the blood. 😲Its vitamin A  helps to block cancer such as the lungs, larynx, esophagus, bladder, and stomach cancer. 😲It helps to prevent aging. 😲Some researchers think dried apricots may be better than the raw apricots. Ten dried halves equal three raw apricots in beta carotene. 😲The apricot has large amounts of potassium, which may help control blood pressure, and it has calcium, copper, and iron. (According to the book Healing Foods from the Bible)

Barley: It is one of three balanced starches (rice and potatoes are the other two), rich in complex carbohydrates that fuel the body with a steady stream of energy. 👀It is an excellent source of beta-glucans, which lowers the risk of heart disease. 👀If barley is eaten three times a day, it has lowered blood cholesterol. 👀It helps keep us regular, relieves constipation, and prevents digestive problems. 👀It helps shut down LDL cholesterol. The bread, in👀 Bible times, was called the staff of life because it was made of barley. 👀They used unpearled barley- not processed.  However, scotch or pearled barley does have enough cholesterol-lowering beta-glucans to help your health. 👀In some cases, barley flour can be used for wheat flour in recipes. 👀Some stores carry Ezekiel bread, which is made of ingredients used in the Bible days. The recipe is based on Ezekiel 4:9 in the Old Testament of the Bible.

(According to the book Healing Foods from the Bible)

 See the information at the end of the blog.

The barley plant is under the wheat category. I have no idea why. 😆

Beans: They are red, white, and black beans, black-eyed peas or cowpeas, chickpeas (or garbanzos), fava, kidney, lentils, lima, split peas, pinto, white, Great Northern, navy and butter beans. I did not know there were so many kinds.😦 They are all beneficial. 🙋They have soluble fiber, which helps lower LDL and reduce blood pressure. 🙋Also, they keep blood sugar levels stable and reduce the insulin requirements for diabetics. 🙋They are a source of protein and packed full of vitamin C, iron, and dietary fiber. They help prevent constipation. 🙋Beans and garlic, when boiled together, make a cough medicine. 🙋A cup of beans a day is all that is needed to get its health benefits. Even cooked dried beans give the same results. 🙋A cup of beans has 12 grams of complex carbohydrates or starches, a quick energy source. This may be why King David called for beans for his exhausted army. I have wondered about that. I have searched for that account in the Bible as I know I read it, but now I can't find it. If you do, will you please let me know what it is?

😈Be aware that canned baked beans are known to raise blood sugar, and some canned beans have a lot of salt. According to the book Healing Foods from the Bible

This blog summarizes information in Healing Foods of the Bible by Bernard Ward 1998 by Glove Communications Corp.

If you have a health condition, consult your health professional before trying these ideas. 

😂If you would like the recipes for  Ezekiel's Bread (a modern version), or boiled barley to use in place of rice, or Barley Water (supposedly will clear up the complexion and stop the formation of wrinkles, (💖personally, I want my wrinkles as I worked hard to get them). Email me at, and I will send you the recipes.

I am not a doctor or nutritionist. I am a person who likes apples, apricots, barley, and beans.

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