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Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Christmas Post

                          Christmas Greetings to All

Dear Pat's Snippets Readers,

When I was teaching full time, I accomplished so many holiday activities of decorating, card writing, baking, visiting, advent time, shopping, and wrapping.  Now that I am retired I don't have the time to do many of the holiday activities. Isn't that odd?  

I have not been able to send the November and December posts as I planned.  So, this will be my final post for December to give you a break to do what is important to you during this joyous season.  However, I do want to share this Christmas greeting with all of you.

                                Christmas Cup of Tea

There is a warm Christmas tradition
I've come to cherish every year.
It fills my heart with gratitude
and reminds me God is near.

I wake before the sun
and brew a cup of Christmas tea
Then we sit and have a chat-
just the Lord and me.

I thank Him for the ones I love
both family and friends
for each breath He's given
and the peace and joy He sends

God reminds me of His faithfulness,
of blessings sent my way,
and answers I'd forgotten
to the many prayers I pray.

And when my teacup's empty
I rejoice in what I know:
in light of all God's gifts to me
my cup still overflows!

Poem by Sandy Lynam Clough

One of God's blessings to me has been you for taking the time and interest in reading my blog.
Thank you, one and all.  

If you celebrate Christmas, may you have a Blessed One.  If you don't celebrate, may you have a Blessed whatever you celebrate or do this season.
And may you all have a Happy and Blessed New Year, All Year.

Merry Christmas,

1 comment:

  1. Love the sentiments of the poem. I hope you had a lovely Christmas.


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