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Saturday, December 23, 2023



You may be very busy this Saturday before Christmas Eve. You may not read this until after Christmas, which somehow has become hectic. The Christmas season is not one or two days, but hopefully every day.
I share with you part of a poem written by Edna Hong.

Let us not walk through the Christmas season
With eyes that see not those whom Thy eyes saw first,
    the lonely and forgotten ones,
    the sick, the old and blind,
    the lost souls and the fallen,
    the hungry in body and soul,
   the anxious and worried,
    and those who mourn and are not comforted.

Many of us think of the words ' Peace on earth', and we think there is no peace in this world of war and violence.
We need to remember these words, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives," said Jesus. (John 14: 27)         Christians know the Peace beyond understanding. Merry Christmas and a Blessed One, And to my English friends, Happy Christmas and a Blessed One. 

And a Blessed New Year of 2024.   


  1. Peace be with you, Patricia. Happy Christmas!

  2. A Blessed and Happy Christmas to and a Blessed New Year all year.


Halloween Poem

                                 Halloween  Hi, this is my favorite Halloween poem, as requested. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Remem...